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WBLCD: Preserving White Bear Lake for future generations

2017 WBL EWM Treatment Map

Starting Friday of this week (July 14, 2017) 65 acres of invasive Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) will be treated with DNR-approved herbicides. The areas to be treated were determined by a survey conducted by Blue Water Science of St. Paul. Treated areas will be marked by clear plastic buoys with information inside.



1. Eurasian Water Milfoil treatment 2014 report

2. Eurasian Watermilfoil Delineation and Assessment Surveys for White Bear Lake, Washington County, Minnesota, 2013

3. 2009 Aquatic Plant Survey

4. Invasive Species Management Plan 2010

5. WBLCD Milfoil Assessment May 26, 2010

6. DNR Milfoil Delineation May 28, 2010

7. DNR Permit for Triclopyr Treatment June 2010

8. Satellite Map of Triclopyr Treatment Sites June 2010

9. Satellite Map of Triclopyr Treatment Sites July 2010

10. Satellite Map of Triclopyr Treatment Sites August 2010

11. WBLCD Milfoil Assessment July 7 2010

12. FAQ Milfoil Management in White Bear Lake

13. Triclopyr Info



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Contact WBLCD

+1 (651) 429-8520

4701 Highway 61
White Bear Lake, MN 55110
