WBLCD: Preserving White Bear Lake for future generations
  1. Water level information from 1906–2002
    Highest recorded level: 926.96 mft (feet above mean sea level) in 1906.
    Lowest recorded level: 918.8 mft in 2013.
    Ordinary high water mark: 924.7 mft (DNR)
    Outflow (runoff) elevation: 924.7 mft
    Flood elevation: 926.7 mft (100 year) 
    Protective elevation: 922 mft (established Dec 2016)

  2. Watershed
    It is within the jurisdiction of the Rice Creek Watershed District. White Bear Lake has a direct tributary area of 2,300 acres or about 90% the size of the lake’s surface. It is a small watershed area and (as of 1999), the quality of runoff entering the lake was good compared to metro norms. This may change as urbanization occurs in the area.

  3. Lake area: 2,416 acres
  4. Littoral (aquatic plant) area: 1,314 acres
  5. Maximum depth: 83 feet
  6. Water clarity: 15 feet as a 9-year average from 1990-1999
  7. Dominant bottom substrate: sand, gravel and rubble
  8. Aquatic plants. Plants are abundant, varied and provide habitat and food for fish and wildlife. They stabilize the lakeshore and compete with algae for nutrients, so far not reaching significant nuisance levels.

contact info2

Contact WBLCD

+1 (651) 429-8520

4701 Highway 61
White Bear Lake, MN 55110
